Theosophical Society Headquarters
A Flaming Centre
Dr Annie Besant once referred to Adyar, the International Headquarters of the TS, as a ‘Flaming Centre’ from which the Powers of Wisdom and Compassion radiate their benevolent influences to the world. She had a sign put at the entrance of her room in the Headquarters building that conveyed the same essential message: ‘Work for Adyar, the Masters’ Home’.
Many generations of members and workers who served and serve at Adyar testified to the truth of her above-mentioned statements. And an illustrious resident at Adyar for many years, Jiddu Krishnamurti, had this to say about that unique centre:
“It is essential for the individual member and for the Society that Adyar, as a great spiritual center, should be maintained worthy and dignified. The importance of this is so obvious that few can doubt it. Adyar is and always has been a spiritual oasis to which the weary traveler looks for comfort and repose. Though it may not be the privilege of each member in the Society to go there from the world of wilderness, yet the mere existence of such a center gives hope and encouragement.
I have visited many a wonderful land and seen many a famous sight but there is none to equal the extraordinary intangible something of our Adyar. There is an atmosphere there that does not exist in many a church and temple and there is a Presence there that we expect to perceive in a sacred shrine. One can become either a God or a pitiful sinner at Adyar. It is a wondrous spot, and it must be maintained as though it were a holy temple.”
Top left: The Theosophical Society International Headquarters, Adyar, Chennai, India, Top right: Medha Gautam Garden, Adyar, Chennai, India, Second from the bottom right: Theosophical Society Garden, Adyar, Chennai, India, Bottom right: The Theosophical Society, Chennai, Early Years

Annual International Convention, Adyar, Chennai, India
Headquarters Hall, The Hall of Unity
Theosophy or the perennial wisdom, being the root of all religions, proclaims their unity. The Headquarters Hall symbolizes that unity. On entering the hall, one sees in the alcove behind a marble platform a figure in plaster of H. P. Blavatsky modeled from Schmiechen’s portrait of her. The statue bears an inscription in Latin by Colonel Olcott: ‘HPB Amicitiae nostrae testimonium. H.S.O. 8.5.1899’. When Colonel Olcott passed away in 1907, a plaster statue of him was placed by the side of Madame Blavatsky and an inscription engraved on the pedestal: ‘The Founders of the Theosophical Society: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 1831-1891-Henry Steel Olcott 1832-1907’.
Along the walls of the hall are bas-relief symbols and figures: those on the north, east and west represent living religions – Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, and the Baha’i religion. The south wall represents the extinct religions.
In the west is a large board on which are inscribed the names of all the Sections of The Theosophical Society with the dates of their formation. The Theosophical Society, with its motto, There is no Religion higher than Truth, is represented by its symbol on the south side. On the north side are pedestals bearing the busts of Colonel Olcott, the President-Founder, and Annie Besant, the second President.
Temples and Shrines on Campus
Buddhist Shrine
Situated in the coconut grove by the Adyar River, not far from the Headquarters building, is the Buddhist shrine. It was built in 1925 under the direction of Mr. C. Jinarajadasa and enshrines a gray sandstone image of the Lord Buddha from Eastern India. Just opposite is a lotus pond and the bodhi tree as well as a Zen memorial stone which was unveiled in 2009.
Bharata Samaja Hindu Temple
This architecturally beautiful, non-sectarian Hindu shrine called the ‘Temple of Light’ contains no idol, only a flame. Here at sunrise every morning a small band of devoted worshippers gather to perform the ‘Bharata Samaj Puja’.
Church of St Michael and All Angels
This is an attractive, well-appointed non-sectarian church where services according to the rites of the Liberal Catholic Church are held on Sunday mornings and other important days.
Zoroastrian Temple
Not far from the Hindu temple is the Zoroastrian shrine. The figures are Assyrian in origin, deeply symbolic and deserving of reflection.
The Mosque
The Mosque was completed in 1937. It was modelled on the famous Pearl Mosque at Agra. It features the simplest of all interiors of all the shrines in accordance with the Islam teaching that the ONE Supreme is beyond representation.
The Sikh Shrine
The Sikh Shrine was built in 1978 and is one of the most recent places of reverence. It has a small and simple prayer hall which symbolizes the direct path to the Divine.
The Great Banyan Tree
Locally it is known as the Adyar Aala Maram, or the Adyar Bodhi tree, and is a real landmark not only of Adyar but also of Chennai. It is situated in the middle of the Theosophical Society Campus and is estimated to be the second largest Banyan tree in India.
The tree is around 450 years old and is thought to be one of the largest Banyan trees in the whole world. The total area occupied by the tree and its offshoots is estimated to be around 40,000 square feet. It came with the property when it was acquired and continues to miraculously survive and even thrive despite severe storm damage to its main trunk in 1989.