The Secret Doctrine
The Secret Doctrine is justly regarded as the magnum opus of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and is the foundation stone of all later Theosophical thought. Published in 1888 it is said to be the inspired ‘triple production’ of Blavatsky and her two main teachers, the Mahatmas Morya and Koot Hoomi.
It is the Theosophical teaching that the Ageless Wisdom Tradition is periodically restated for the benefit of humanity according to cyclical law. The late nineteenth century was a period in which several cycles aligned. These cycles included the end of the first 5000 years of the Kali Yuga, the Messianic cycle of 2160 years, an 11000-year period since the sinking of the last portions of Atlantis and, it is said, a centurial cycle at the end of which the Initiates of the East attempt to bring the Wisdom Tradition to the West. The Secret Doctrine is one such major restatement of the eternal truths first revealed to humanity at the very beginning of our journey on this planet. H. P. Blavatsky was the chosen vehicle through which the Teachers worked, and the institution that formed around this broad endeavour was the Theosophical Society, established in 1875.
Published in two volumes The Secret Doctrine frames Theosophical thinking, praxis and inspiration. Its subtitle, ‘The synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy’ declares its great aim, which is to draw together the intellectual and spiritual currents of the past, present and future into service of the search for the truth of all things. Volume One, entitled ‘Cosmogenesis’, outlines the algebraic formula of creation, from the abstract Universe to our Solar System and our own planet, Earth. Volume Two, entitled ‘Anthropogenesis’, presents the history and origin of humanity with a focus on the physical, mental and spiritual evolutionary developments undergone during our long and continuing journey on Earth.
What are we doing when we engage this great text? On one level its vast accumulation of facts, statements and theories enables one to enter the current debates of our time. Be it in the fields of religion, philosophy or science, the Secret Doctrine presents a perspective through which one may begin thinking and participating in the bold questions of our age. By stimulating our mind, we are drawn outward into the world and can experience the best that is on offer, from the Arts to the Sciences. There is, however, another reason to initiate a personal dialogue with the Secret Doctrine. A serious commitment signals the entry to an Inner Path, a turning inward which reveals the secret ‘livingness’ of Theosophical thought. Not only will study slowly begin to reveal this inner path that leads to one’s Higher Self, but study as meditation is itself the first step in travelling this path. By tracing the grand themes of creation and dissolution, of birth and death in the Secret Doctrine we begin to mirror the stages of Initiation, in preparation for that mystic event. In some mystic sense the Secret Doctrine is already within us, and we re-awaken this inner knowledge through the promptings of the outer Doctrine. Paradoxically, turning from the outward to the inward, the Theosophical path is one of purifying all the dimensions of one’s nature.
It is said that no more of the Wisdom Tradition will be given out for centuries. Whether this is true or not one cannot say. What is clear is that there is work to be done in unfolding what has been presented to us thus far.