The Theosophical Seal
The Sacred Word
The ‘Om’ or ‘Aum’ is the mystic Sanskrit syllable of the Vedas representing Nada or the Soundless Sound expounded in The Voice of the Silence. In its short form it signifies the Supreme Principle that pervades – and is – the origin of all things. Its three-fold expanded form evokes the Creative, Preservative and Destructive forces in the Universe. Comprehending the primal sound and meditating on this inner Word will bring one into harmony with the underlying essence of the Universe.
The Whirling Cross
The Swastika is a widely spread symbol, having the meaning in Sanskrit of ‘auspicious’ or ‘well-being’. In Buddhist and Brahmanical thought it represents the ‘Wheel of the Law’. This complex symbol suggests the ceaseless motion and evolutionary impulses which characterize all existence. Through the still-point of its center stream the invisible forces from the unknown depths of space that manifest as the creation.
The Ouroboros
The serpent swallowing its own tail signifies infinity, boundless time and the cyclic rhythms of the birth and death of all things – from human life to that of a cosmic system. Its scales are the numberless universes coming forth into being and passing out of manifestation. This circular form symbolizes perfection, while the Serpent is a symbol of wisdom and the mystic adepts.
The Ankh
The Ankh, or Tau, is the Ancient Egyptian symbol of life and regeneration. In the cosmic realm, as a complete symbol combining the top oval and lower cross, it represents the universe and the descent of spirit into matter. Anthropologically, it represents humanity with its seven-fold evolutionary stages, as well as the initiate who holds the key to the Mysteries.
The Interlaced Triangles
The hexagram, or six-pointed star, also called the ‘Seal of Solomon’, is the seal of Vishnu. The upward pointing white triangle signifies spirit, ascent, wisdom, consciousness and unmanifest planes. The downward pointing black triangle signifies matter, descent, substance and the manifested worlds. Their linking, with the hidden central point, shows the seven-fold nature of things, and hints at the coeternal nature of the polarities.
The Motto
‘Satyan nasti paro dharmah’ – the motto of the Theosophical Society – ‘There is no religion, or law, higher than truth’, was adopted from the Maharajah of Benares. The motto affirms the commitment of the Theosophical Society to the Truth, and to the unbiased and fearless search for the Truth in all things. Human dogmas are challenged in the light of the inner gnosis of the spirit-soul.