Conferences and Conventions

The Theosophical Society is a global organization with an active online presence. The Society has broad aims and interests which are revealed in the themes of the various offerings. Several international conferences, conventions and educational opportunities are presented, with some notable ones including:

Adyar Conventions:

Annual International Convention, Adyar, Chennai, India

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Facebook –

“The Convention is an opportunity for members of the Society from many lands to become acquainted with the international fraternity and meet old friends. There is a great deal of activity at this time. Services include information booths, book displays and sales, various stalls and a South Indian restaurant under a large palm-leaf structure built especially for the Convention period.

During the Convention, through lectures, some of them by eminent Theosophists, philosophers, scientists and thinkers, and through symposia, dialogues and discussions, the members of the Society examine the meaning and significance of Theosophy in the context of the present-day world and individual problems.”

European School of Theosophy:

(The European School of Theosophy in Egypt in 2023)

The European School of Theosophy was launched in October 1982 and provides every year one week of intensive study focusing on Theosophy.

Website –

Facebook –

Youtube –

School of Wisdom:

(Adyar Centre)

Website –

“The School of the Wisdom (SOW) aims at bringing each student to survey life ‘from the centre’, which is intuitive awareness. There can be no Wisdom without an ever-increasing sense of Wonder. Essential in the progress towards Wisdom is a growing intimacy with all aspects of Nature.

The SOW was inaugurated in 1949 by C. Jinarajadasa, the fourth International President of the TS, to revive the 1922 Adyar School initiated by Annie Besant. This school was named Brahmavidyā Āśrama, which has almost the same meaning as the School of the Wisdom.”

International Theosophy Conference (ITC):

(ITC 2024 – “What is a Human Being: Man, Know Thyself”)

Website –

“International Theosophy Conference Inc. is a platform where Theosophical organizations and all other earnest students of Theosophy meet.

This infers that the ITC won’t typically function as another Theosophical vehicle, in spreading Theosophy itself. Instead, ITC is committed to connect all Theosophists, supporting them in their common cause in the light of the purposes of ITC, which are:

  1. To maintain the principles of the Modern Theosophical Movement presented by H. P. B. as a living power in the minds and hearts of Humanity, encouraging explorations in the light of her teachings.
  2. To foster mutual meaningful intercommunication, understanding and respect among the Theosophical mainstreams, stimulating thereby continuous spiritual unity.
  3. To be a platform, supporting and sponsoring the annual international Conference of Theosophical Organizations.
  4. To unite people in sharing the Philosophy of Theosophy, studying and further exploring Religion, Philosophy and Science from a Theosophical Perspective.”

School of the Wisdom conference, Adyar, “Meditation in the Light of Theosophy”