Cape Town Lodge
The Cape Town Lodge was founded in 1904 by a certain Major Peacock of the Indian Army, an individual, we are told, who knew both H.P.B. and Annie Besant. The Lodge, like all worldly enterprises, has gone through cycles of growth and withdrawal. After many decades in a grand old hall in the city center of Cape Town the Lodge was compelled, in 2019, to relocate to new premises.
We are now located in the central residential suburb of Pinelands. The activities of a Lodge reflect the interests and competencies of those members willing to take on leadership roles. Currently, the Lodge is focused on a gentle meditation on the Theosophical Movement with an emphasis on:
– foundational Theosophy, with a special commitment to H.P.B.,
– the field of Comparative Religion, and
– Theosophical based Meditation.
All cities emanate unique energies, and Cape Town is no different. The Cape Town Lodge works to tap into the spiritual forces of light and life that permeate the city and to offer in return our own unique Theosophical perspective and resources. A further focus is that of bringing into fruition the latent aspects of the original Theosophical Impulse and in working to harmonize with the vitality that is circulating throughout the global Theosophical Movement.
Name – The Cape Town Lodge of The Theosophical Society in Southern Africa
Address – 1 Ajax Way, Pinelands, Cape Town, South Africa
Email – besterdewald@gmail.com
WhatsApp – 071 491 6737
Management Body – Cape Town
President – Dewald Bester
Regular Speakers
Cedique Flovers, long-serving member and current Secretary of the Cape Town Lodge. He is a self-described ‘student of the writings of H.P.B’ and has a profound admiration for Tibetan Buddhism. His inspirational understanding of the source Theosophical Teachings is a precious resource on which the Lodge draws. Cedique’s special link to Rosemary Vosse, previous president of the Lodge, links the Lodge to a heart lineage of service and compassion.
Dr Dewald Bester, current President of the Cape Town Lodge and member of the Executive Committee. He is a member of both the Adyar and Pasadena Sections of the Theosophical Society since his early twenties. Dewald has a Ph.D in Religious Studies from the University of Cape Town. His interests include the writings of H.P. Blavatsky, Theosophical history, and the opportunities offered by some contemporary strands in philosophy and the Academic study of religion. His aim is to participate in the unfolding of the Theosophical Society in the current historical moment.